Frequently Asked Questions

Glass Voices Women Speakers

Signing Up

What is Glass Voices?

Check out About Glass Voices.

Do I have to be a professional speaker in order to join Glass Voices' network of speakers?

No! Glass Voices wishes to amplify the voices of all women. If you have an inspiring story or an expertise to share, please fill out the short form and join Glass Voices network. You will get all the support needed for you to be well trained and confident to speak on stage.

Does signing up mean that I will be committed to deliver speeches?

Signing up involves no commitment at all. You will be contacted back to see how we can join forces to amplify your voice, either by public speaking, writing or any other creative way which we can develop together.

I signed up, what happens next?

You will be contacted back to learn more about your personal story and experience and you will be welcome to Glass Voices supportive community.

Am I guaranteed to be invited for speeches?

Glass Voices will make all efforts, but speaking engagements cannot be guaranteed.

Will I be contacted back only for speeches?

Glass Voices is working on developing educational projects to empower young women and girls to fulfill their full personal & professional potential. You may be contacted personally in relations to suitable initiatives in case that you would like to take part.


How will my personal data be used?

Glass Voices will attempt to match you up with suitable speaking engagements and educational initiatives. Your personal data will not be shared with third-parties for other purposes without your consent.

Will I be able to remove my data from your database?

Of course. Simply contact Glass Voices at and request the removal. We will make the best efforts to respond to your request as quickly as possible.

Events Organizers

I am organizing an event and would like to invite fabulous women to speak. How do I contact you?

Glass Voices would love to hear from you at

More Queries & Support

I have more questions about the women speakers network, how can I contact you?

You are welcome to contact Glass Voices with further queries at

I'm not a speaker (or not a woman!), but what you're doing is great and I want to offer my support, how can I do it?

Thanks! There are many ways in which you can support: